Archive: March 19, 2022

A Friend For You

I have a friend. He is the best friend I have ever had. He is so kind and true that I would like you to know Him, too. His name is Jesus. The wonderful thing is that He would like to be your friend.

Let me tell you about Him. We read this story in the Bible. The Bible is true. It is God’s Word.

God is the one Who created the world and everything in it. He is Lord of Heaven and earth. He gives life and breath to all things.

Jesus is the Son of God. God sent Him from heaven to this earth to be our very own Savior. God loved the world so much (that means He loved you and me) that He sent His only Son, Jesus, (to die for our sins) that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Jesus came to earth as a tiny baby. His father and mother on earth were Joseph and Mary. He was born in a stable and laid in a manger.

Jesus grew up with Joseph and Mary and He obeyed them. He had brothers and sisters to play with. He helped Joseph in his carpenter shop.

When Jesus grew to be a man, He taught the people about His Father in heaven. He showed them that God loved them. He healed the sick and comforted those in trouble. He was a Friend of the children. He wanted to have the children close to Him. He had time for them. The children loved Jesus and loved to be with Him.

Some people did not love Jesus. They envied Him, and even hated Him. They hated Him so much that they wanted to kill Him. One dreadful day they killed Jesus by nailing Him to a cross. Jesus had done nothing wrong. He had to die in our place because you and I have done wrong.

The story of Jesus does not end with His death. God raised Him from the dead! His followers saw Him. Then one day He went back to heaven.

Today He is able to see and hear you. He knows all about you and cares for you. Just come to Him in prayer. Tell Him all about your troubles. He is ready to help you. You can bow your head and talk to Him, anytime, anywhere.

Someday He is coming again! He will take all those who believe on Him home to heaven.

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