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Month And Season Of

This Is Your Month And Season

(That Is all round prosperity in excellence)
If You Will Dare To Believe In The LORD Your Creator And Your God!
According To His Irrevocable Promises And Word In Exodus 19:1-8..
Under His Most And All Sufficient Unction, All Sufficient Anointing And All Sufficient Grace Upon My Shoulder And Life!!
I Decree And I Prophesy That This Month Shall Be A Month And Season Of Escape And Freedom From Every Oppression, And Imprisonment Of The Hands And Powers And The Lands Of Your Enemies….
I Decree And I Prophesy That This Month And Season Shall Be A Season Of Divine Progress And Divine Elevation In Your Life And Every Aspect…
I Decree And I Prophesy That This Month Shall Be A Month And Season Of Victories And Settlements In Your Whole Life…
I Decree And I Prophesy That This Month And Season Shall Be A Month Of Promotions And Crowning In Your Life…
And I Decree And I Prophesy That This Month Shall Be A Month And The Season Of Manifesting Peculiar Treasures Of God The Most High And MAXIMUM PROSPERITY For You And I And My Household Forever In JESUS CHRIST Name Amen

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COMPULSORY DEMANDS TO LIVE BY FAITH….Vol 1And without faith it is impossible to please God let him that comes to Him believe that He’s and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him…Heb 11:6.
Faith is the greatest exercise and the demonstration God understands through thoughts, words and deeds. May you start to develop faith and run with faith today if you have not started building your whole life and heavenly Kingdom life through faith in order to possibly please God and fulfill His principles and gain access to His everlasting inheritance in JESUS CHRIST name….


(1) Is The Wisdom To Commit…
(a) That Situation To God
(b) That Trouble To God
(c) That Pain To God
(d) The Challenges To God
(e) The Fear To God
(f) That Sickness/Infirmity/Disease To God
(g) That Debt To God
(h) That Voice/Sound/Information To God
(I) That Attack To God
(j) That Enemy To God
(k) Whatever It Is To God
Read Proverbs 4:7, 1 Peter 5:7, Ps 55:22

(2) The Courage To Give The Problem Approach
(a) The courage to tackle the problem or the situation
(b) The courage to handle the problem or the situation.
Read…Joshua 1:1-8,
(3) The Ability To Resist The Problem Or The Situation.
James 4:7….teaches us to submit ourselves therefore to God and resist the devil and he will flee from us. My friend you need the ability to resist the situation, the problem or the enemy so that you can exercise dominion over them and overcome them. After the death of Moses Joshua who later took up the leadership of the children of Israel took a step of wisdom to approach the raging burden before him but along the line he received an extraordinary empowerment of divine abilities from God to tackle his problems and the situation on ground and he became more able than his opponents when when the Bible said to him…Joshua 1:5, No man will be able stand against you all the days of your life, as I was with Moses so I will be with You. Read Judges 6:16.
When these steps are consciously taken there must be solutions to every situation or problem or whatever it is.
To be continued….
For More Prayers And Counseling Connect or Send WhatsApp +16692849452, +2348034041334….UCHENNA EZEANOWAI


Be the first partaker of this Season’s Open Doors and Encounter for walking in the fullness of POSSIBILITIES in every aspect of life as you participate on this Program this Wednesday 2Nd Feb 2022, by 12Am California USA Time And 9Am Nigeria Time in JESUS CHRIST name…. JESUSKINGDOM TV

Personnels You Needed In Life

The Most Scarce And Security Personnels You Needed In Life…Vol 1
The Best Security Personnels Around You!
The Biggest Security Personnels Around You!!
And The Most Caring And Loving People Around And Within Your Life Are….
(1) Those people who are fund of sharing with you the real truth about the good or the bad things they noticed about your life with simplicity and without fear of favour.

(2) Those people who have the motive to be a blessing to you either by following your steps or to guide/lead you in some important aspect of life.

(3) Those people who have the motive to assist you or to support you with a pure genuine spirit and heart until your life is established, accomplished and fulfilled.

(4) Those people who never wish you bad or evil and will not plan or plot bad things or evil to befall on you or your life.

(5) Those who have the thirst and the hunger to bring the best of things and results out of you.

(6) Those who always want to see you protected, succeed, grow and be blessed.

(7) Those who always wants to hear goodnews about your life and in your life.
Scriptures to digest….Heb 10:24, Math 5:13-17, Gal 6:9, Mt 7:12.
For Counseling and Prayers!! Feel free to contact the Author…UCHENNA EZEANOWAYI
Watch out for Vol 2.