Archive: May 2024


Over four to six billion people face impossibilities irrespective of their qualification, profession, positions and wealth. 

A lot face unbearable, hopeless situations irrespective of their denomination, religion, ministry, career, Now a number of people who encounter these impossibilities eventually strive towards overcoming them. They walk in possibility but lack the criteria required to be successful to get to their destination.

For you to overcome the impossible situation around you. There is a need to understand and process the aspects of walking in possibilities. The aspects of working in possibilities are the criterias to consider in the process of walking in possibilities alongside God. 

These includes the following:

I. Believing in the Word of God.

II. Having Faith in God.

III. Appreciating and Honouring the word

IV. Having Trust in God.


In Matt. 4:4. Jesus said, “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. The word of God is the thoughts of God. 

Heb. 4:12. The Greek translates the term ‘word’ as ‘logos’ which basically means expression of thought. God expresses his thoughts to man through the Word. 

The word of God is the God’s spoken word. It is the word that comes directly from the mouth of God which gives life. 

According to John 6:63, Jesus says “It is the spirit who gives quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing; the word the speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.

The word of God is God himself. John 1:1 ‘In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. 

The word of God is light. John 1:4 – 5 “in Him was life; and the life was the light of men, and the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not Therefore, to walk in possibilities you have to believe in God and His word. 

The word of God is powerful and is able to equip you to begin to walk in possibilities. Heb. 4:12. His word can transform situations that seems to be impossible to solve, possible within a twinkle 

of an eye. Only if you believe and trust in the word of God, of the second person in the trinity  the incarnate person of God. The following are biblical illustrations of the power of the word of God. When you believe and trust, it changes impossible situations to possibilities. 

You will begin to walk in possibilities just as these persons in the bible. The man with a disease of leprosy. 

Matt. 8: 1-3. a man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said “if you are willing, you can make me clean. Jesus reached out his hands and touched the man, I am willing, he said  Be clean Immediately he was cleaned of his leprosy. 

Matthew. 8: 3 is stretching out his hands towards you today saying I am willing to heal you of whatever affliction you are experiencing presently. 

Be clean, he said , from impossibilities, financial limitations, setbacks, etc. Believe and trust in these words and you shall be healed. 

A centurion in Capernaum, once walked in possibility. He had this belief in the word of God to be powerful. He went further to ask Jesus for help. Lord he said, my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly, Jesus said to him, shall I come and heal him, the centurion replied,  Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof, but just say the word and my servant will be healed.

Then Jesus said to the centurion, Go! Let it be done. just as you believed it would. And the servant was healed at that moment. Praise the Lord! 

Realm of Walking in Possibilities Part 1

Nowadays, the possibilities which seem very likely are possibilities of evil terrorism, plague, death, scarcity, poverty, there is more conversation of impossibilities than possibilities. Everywhere you go, there seems to be an air of negativity and impossibilities. 

The wind of impossibilities is blowing strongly and seems to be likely the possibilities of evil, death, 

barrenness, failure, scarcity, limitations, terrorism, captivity, financial lack and afflictions. 

The possibilities of succeeding or excelling seems very elusive, tough and baffling because there is more talk of the realm’s impossibilities than possibilities. 

The environment and community is polluted. Hence the realm of impossibilities, fear and doubt has 

almost consume the world. 

However, one must not allow the prevailing negative atmosphere to overwhelm us in our present 

predicament, conditions or situations. We must consciously elevate ourselves to walking in the realm of possibilities with God. 

Matthew 19:26 says, With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible, Thus walking in the realm of possibilities could be done perfectly with the word of God. 

Become a possibility  No matter how dark things seems to be or actually are, raise your sight and see possibilities with God on your side and His word leading you to achievements of a successful ministry, career, profession,

Promotion Therefore, Walking in the Realm of Possibilities’ is a realm of encounter with the word of God performing divine miracles. 

It is a realm of reality of the true living God it is a realm of power in the word  it is a realm of holiness and purity  it is a realm where God walks with us in possibilities 

Ephesians 3:20 now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us it is a realm of limitless possibilities,  it is a realm where destinies change miracles occur,  victory is obtained and problems solved. 

Finally, it is a realm where situations that look impossible in our lives transform into possibilities. Thus, the impossible becomes possible with the mercy and grace of God Almighty who created the universe and all that is in it. There are illustrations in the bible of lots of people who walked in the realm of possibilities. 

An excellent example is the story of Peter in the bible. (Act 12: 1-11) Peter was arrested and kept in prison by King Herod. The night before Herod was to bring Peter to trial, something unremarkable happened. 

The situation of Peter that looked impossible, became possible as the angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and light shone in the cell struck Peter on the side and woke him up. Quick, get up, he said and the chains fell off Peter’s wrist. Act 12: 7. That night Peter was walking in the realm of possibilities without knowledge of it. He followed the angel of the Lord out of prison, he had no idea that the angel was doing it was really happening, he thought he was seeing a vision. Act 12:9. 

I pray for you today, just as Peter was released from prison and experienced possibilities, you shall be released from every bondage of difficulties, problems and impossibilities that has put you in prison in Jesus Mighty name Amen.

Realm in Possibilities Part 2

Thus, this message is written to take you through the moments of possibilities, transforming those abnormalities to begin to work in your favour. It will make “dry bones in your life to rise Again” The bible made us understand that with the word of God prophecy into those impossibly situations just like that of Isreal in Ezekiel 37: 4-11 ……’every dry bones shall rise again’. 

Furthermore, this text will also enlighten and enable you walk in moments of possibilities. The moments of walking in possibilities is here and now. It is high time you walk in possibilities because God is fully capable of equipping you to 

walk in possibilities. Walking in possibilities is a phenomenon in which one appreciate, honour, accept, receive and are most hunger for the word of God of which eventually help one overcome his/ her 

difficulties and problems in life.


Nowadays, the possibilities which seems very likely are possibilities of evil – terrorism, plague, death, scarcity, poverty, there is more conversation of impossibilities than possibilities. Everywhere you go, there seems to be an ai r of negativity and impossibilities. The wind of impossibilities is blowing strongly
and seems to be likely the possibilities of evil – death, barrenness, failure, scarcity, limitations, terrorism, captivity, financial lack and afflictions.The possibilities of succeeding or excelling seems very elusive, tough and baffling because there is more talk of the realm impossibilities
Than poissibilities the environments and community is polluted. Hence the realm of impossibilities, fear and doubt has almost consume the world.

to be continue…….


In the world today, people build castle for
the un-explainable situations they
experience. They keep dwelling in their
past glory while accepting their present
tormenting situation and eventually label it to
be impossible. Some to an extent do series of
prayer and fasting to change their situation but
all to no avail. A lot of persons have been
mentally derailed, unstable, distressed and
frustrated into committing suicide, atrocities
and so on. They fail to walk through the
moment of impossibilities.