Home Faithful God of Possibilities

Faithful God of Possibilities

According to John 3:36 He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that  believeth not the son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him, Thus, it is paramount to nurture, groom and honour the word of God, then take the word to the volume where it can save you. You have to take it to 70% – 90% capacity to enable grace work for you. 

If the word of God is not sufficient in one’s life, it brings about negativity and impossibility Rom. 8: 28 says for we know all things work together for good to those that love God The Almighty 

God created you not your enemies. He bless  you according to His purposeSo I pray for you today in the name of the Most High God Humiliation, frustration, captivity will no longer walk in your life Your 

days of walking in wastage,  impossibilities, reproaches is gone; You are receiving authority, anointing, power and grace to walk in possibilities Success no matter how tedious your situation is knowing the fact that faith without work is dead, Therefore, the moment of walking in possibilities is the amount you move by faith in life.

O Lord my GOD, Let every hunger of Death, Sickness, Committing suicide dry off from me. Let every mindset, burden and yoke of suffering and financial limitation be broken in my life. Let darkness give way from my life. 

Today, I receive the grace, light and anointing to walk in possibilities with faith in God and in His word. The miracle I do not expect will locate me and my household. I will begin to experience possibilities in my ministry, family, business, profession, career, e.t.c. in God’s powerful name. Amen.

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Author: adminchurch

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