Home Aspect of having Faith in God

Aspect of having Faith in God

Having faith in the word of God is an important aspect of walking in possibilities. 

There are lots of heroes who walked in possibilities in the bible and those who are doing the same presently in life. People like Abram and Sarah whom God blessed with the fruit of the womb at the age ninety-nine years. 

When she least expects it and for lots of people might have lost hope and faith in God…. Rather Abram believed and had faith in God and His word until the actual manifestation of the word of God.Again, is the woman with the issue of blood for several years Mark 5: 25 -34. He said to her Daughter your faith has made you well. 

Go in Peace your suffering is over Enough of walking in barrenness, reproaches, afflictions, shortcoming, conflicts, etc. It is time to walk in possibilities just like this woman with the issue of blood for 12 years. Can you imagine suffering a particular disease for twelve consecutive years? How frustrating, demoralising and devastating this can be! This woman moved by faith walked in possibilities by touching the garment of Jesus and was healed immediately. 

What a Miracle Walking in possibilities is walking in perfection, peace and the key to walking in possibilities is your faith and diligence to the solemn word of God. Begin to walk, in possibilities having faith in God, speak with confidence and courage. 

Do not depend on man. Never rely on the conclusion made by man. According to Lamentation 3: 37 Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? (KJV) Have faith in God. 1 Cor. 2: 5 So that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power There is power in the word of God, and the word is spirit. 

The spirit is God, no spirit is bigger than the spirit of God, the highest of the highest. The more excellent way to walk in possibilities is having faith in God and eventually getting  mature in the word of God. to be continued…

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Author: adminchurch

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