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One Master key Of All Good Success

Sacrificially endeavor to possess quality character more especially godly quality characters, behavior and attitudes nomatter how people feels about it, their reactions and what they might say honestly I tell you! you must reach out your mandatory goals and fulfill them successfully. But remember it’s a School that should be started in one day and continues throughout your life time. I’m anxious to see you becoming successful to God’s glory in JESUS CHRIST name….Uchenna Ezeanowayi.


The MOST EFFECTIVE FREEDOM from GOD ALMIGHTY gives you access to run and achieve and fulfill successfully God’s plan and mandate for as you participate on this Program with your families and friends this Saturday 13th October by 12Am California, 3Am New York, 8Am London, 8Am Nigeria, 9Am South Africa, Asia, Europe, TIME, in JESUS CHRIST name. follow this “LINK” to “JOIN” on You Tube…”LIVE” JESUSKINGDOM TV https://youtube.com/channel/UCHZqGmXouiFDhN49DhahUkw And Facebook “LIVE”…https://m.facebook.com/jesuskingdomintl


CONNECT and JOIN UCHENNA EZEANOWAYI with your families and friends this Saturday 30th September 2023, as He TEACHES and COMMANDS quality pure and perfect DELIVERANCE/LIBERATION/EMANCIPATION that must work by 12Am California, 3Am New York, 8Am London, 8Am Nigeria, 9Am South Africa, Asia, Europe TIME, in JESUS CHRIST name. follow this “LINK” to “JOIN” on You Tube…”LIVE” JESUSKINGDOM TV https://youtube.com/channel/UCHZqGmXouiFDhN49DhahUkw And Facebook “LIVE”…https://m.facebook.com/jesuskingdomintl

Moment of Walking in Possibilities 3

If I am a MAN of GOD of gods there’s is going to be a RAIN OF SUPPLY as I’m provoked and persuaded to connect the sons and the daughters of the Almighty God in the Upcoming Program this Wed 23rd August 2023, no matter wherever you are DARE to participate with your family and friends to ENCOUNTER the COMPULSORY CHANGE by 12Am California, 3Am New York, 8Am London, 8Am Europe, 1Pm to 3Pm Asian Time, 9Am South Africa and 8Am Nigeria TIME, in JESUS CHRIST name. follow this “LINK” to “JOIN” on You Tube…”LIVE” JESUSKINGDOM TV


And Facebook “LIVE”…https://m.facebook.com/jesuskingdomintl

Jesus Kingdom International

Biggest Heavenly Kingdom Global Program ever for effective HolySpirit righteousness, power, authority, anointing, revival, healing, protection, winning and excellence, kingdom propagation soul winning REFRESHMENT, in JESUS CHRIST name. Everyone is INVITED.