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Realm in Possibilities Part 2

Thus, this message is written to take you through the moments of possibilities, transforming those abnormalities to begin to work in your favour. It will make “dry bones in your life to rise Again” The bible made us understand that with the word of God prophecy into those impossibly situations just like that of Isreal in Ezekiel 37: 4-11 ……’every dry bones shall rise again’. 

Furthermore, this text will also enlighten and enable you walk in moments of possibilities. The moments of walking in possibilities is here and now. It is high time you walk in possibilities because God is fully capable of equipping you to 

walk in possibilities. Walking in possibilities is a phenomenon in which one appreciate, honour, accept, receive and are most hunger for the word of God of which eventually help one overcome his/ her 

difficulties and problems in life.


Nowadays, the possibilities which seems very likely are possibilities of evil – terrorism, plague, death, scarcity, poverty, there is more conversation of impossibilities than possibilities. Everywhere you go, there seems to be an ai r of negativity and impossibilities. The wind of impossibilities is blowing strongly
and seems to be likely the possibilities of evil – death, barrenness, failure, scarcity, limitations, terrorism, captivity, financial lack and afflictions.The possibilities of succeeding or excelling seems very elusive, tough and baffling because there is more talk of the realm impossibilities
Than poissibilities the environments and community is polluted. Hence the realm of impossibilities, fear and doubt has almost consume the world.

to be continue…….


In the world today, people build castle for
the un-explainable situations they
experience. They keep dwelling in their
past glory while accepting their present
tormenting situation and eventually label it to
be impossible. Some to an extent do series of
prayer and fasting to change their situation but
all to no avail. A lot of persons have been
mentally derailed, unstable, distressed and
frustrated into committing suicide, atrocities
and so on. They fail to walk through the
moment of impossibilities.

Moment of Walking in Possibilities

If you are willing to handle and to overcome, find solutions and win in every TOO HARD matters and cases of IMPOSSIBILITIES! JOIN Us with your families and friends on this Program this Wednesday 13th March 2024, by 12:Am California, 3Am New York, 9Am London, 8:Am Nigeria, 9Am South Africa, TIME, in JESUS CHRIST name. The follow this “LINK” to “JOIN” on You Tube…”LIVE” JESUSKINGDOM TV https://youtube.com/channel/UCHZqGmXouiFDhN49DhahUkw And Facebook “LIVE”…https://m.facebook.com/jesuskingdomintl http://www.instagram.com/jesuskingdomtv