Home Availing  yourself to the mercy of God

Availing  yourself to the mercy of God

Availing  yourself to the mercy of God to free you from all forms of confusion and difficulties. Christopher is a reality of these experiences of possibilities. He tried severally to travel abroad but was disappointed and duped. He never gave up on God, believing and having faith in God’s word; he was determined to travel abroad no matter the obstacles, challenges and trying times. 

Christopher’s travel mission looks impossible to him but eventually was possible with the help of God. He was encouraged by the word of God. Acts 27:25, So he keep up  courage, and says to himself for  I have faith in God that it will happen,  just as he believes  the word of God, this courage helped him overcome obstacles and flood his world with possibilities. 

You need to conquer fear and self-doubt and embrace the word of God as a place to grow. Nothing is more powerful than the word of God which is God Himself. Therefore, provide a new roadmap that aligns possibilities with your inherent potentials knowing the fact that nothing will be impossible with God  Luke 1: 37. 

For the impossible to be made possible, we need to fully trust in God. Cast any doubt aside no matter how reasonable they appear to be. You need to show recognition that you can’t do it alone by appealing to God for his help.


O LORD my God, imbed in me your grace and mercy to experience possibilities in any aspect I am facing impossibilities as a re result of my ignorance of the ministry and revelations of the word of God.I humbly ask for the grace to walk in possibilities in this journey of my life, ministry, family business and career.

Let your word which was in the beginning and is the same word today mechanise possibilities that generates success in all ramification begins to work in my life in Jesus Powerful name I Pray. Amen.

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Author: adminchurch

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