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Daily Tract Messages

Geology of Jesus

Jesus, also called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. He left the splendors of heaven to come live on earth, the earth He created, to live with mankind, to suffer pain, hunger and hatred, and finally to be crucified on the cross, the punishment reserved for vile criminals. He did this all because He loved us. “And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour” (Ephesians 5:2).
The story of the birth of Christ, of all stories, lies nearest to the heart of Christians. It is one of the greatest miracles of all ages. In it is revealed the love of God to mankind. Man, through sin, separated himself from the fellowship of God. God promised Adam and Eve a Redeemer after their transgression in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15). It was God’s plan to restore or bring back what was lost.

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Challenge to do right 2

“Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan…and pitched his tent toward Sodom” (Genesis 13:11-12). The fields there were fertile and he was blessed materially, but he lost it all when Sodom was destroyed.

Joseph, as a young man, chose to be morally pure and honest, and he was awarded highest honors in the Egyptian kingdom (Genesis 41:41).

Joshua, a servant of God, challenged the children of Israel, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Joshua 24:15). He said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

The people answered, “We will serve the Lord.” As long as they feared the Lord and served Him faithfully, they prospered.

During the time of the prophet Elijah, people had forgotten the mighty works the Lord had done for them, and many turned to idol worship (Baal), which greatly displeased the Lord. He used Elijah at this crucial time in a most spectacular way to show His unlimited power. On Mount Carmel Elijah called fire down from heaven which consumed the sacrifice he had prepared, thus proving that God is truly God. He asked the people, “How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” After they saw the fire come down, “they fell on their faces; and they said, The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God” (1 Kings 18).

Daniel, a young captive in the land of Babylon, purposed (chose) in his heart not to defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank (Daniel 1:8). As a result he and his three companions, who likewise made the noble choice, were in favor with God and the king. Had they not made this choice, the examples of Daniel in the lions’ den and that of the three men in the fiery furnace would not be recorded in the Bible.

Jesus gave us a parable of a father who had two sons. One chose to collect his inheritance and go into a far country (into sin). It was not a good choice. After he spent all that he had, he realized what a great mistake he had made. He chose to humbly return to his father’s house. What a blessed reunion that must have been (Luke 15:11-32)!

Jesus our Lord was apprehended and brought before Pilate. The Jews cried out, saying, “If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar’s friend.” Pilate pondered the situation before him. He considered Caesar (the world) and the Lord of glory who stood before him. He made his choice, and he delivered Jesus to be crucified (John 19).

Choosing the world with its pleasures will end in destruction (2 Peter 3:10-11).

Deciding to cast one’s lot with the children of God instead of going the course of the world is making a good and wise choice. Having Christ as our companion brings us into the presence of a wise counselor who will guide us in all decisions of life.

For Prayer and Counseling Send Mail: to  ask@jesuskingdomintl.org
info@jesuskingdomintl.org or Call : USA Phone: +16692819542
NIGERIA: ( +2348034041334).

A challenge to choose right

Life brings man to the point of decision many times. In fact, choices are made every day. Some choices are made with very little thought. At other times the choice demands much thought and consideration. The ones considered important are made with greater care. The question might be, what do you consider important?

God, when He created man, bestowed upon him the privilege of choice. We cannot sidestep this responsibility nor the results of our choices, for many will have eternal consequences.

Let us look at choices a few Bible characters made. Some were good, and others were not so good. Moses, the man of God, chose “rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season” (Hebrews 11:25). He looked to the reward which would come after this life. Choosing the company of Christian believers is a wise choice indeed.

Before the flood the “sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives of all which they chose” (Genesis 6:2). They made carnal choices which ended in their destruction.

For Prayer and Counseling Send Mail: to  ask@jesuskingdomintl.org
info@jesuskingdomintl.org or Call : USA Phone: +16692819542
NIGERIA: ( +2348034041334).

Spiritual Battle

Every responsible soul encounters great spiritual battles in life. The consequences of these battles are of tremendous weight and importance. The loss of a physical battle can bring disgrace to a leader during his life. The loss of the battle of your soul will bring anguish for eternity. Have you thought of the inevitable consequences of a self-centered Christless life?

Are you going to lose the battle of life? The battle between life and death? The battle between heaven and hell? The battle between self-denial and self-love, your soul and the world? Jesus says, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).

Whether we have much or little of this natural world in our possession, if we lose our own soul, what a tragedy! Our eternal destiny will be sealed. Many people do not realize that there is a great spiritual battle to be fought. Their understanding has been blinded by Satan and the world, and they are asleep to the realities of the battle against sin. The Bible says, “Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light” (Ephesians 5:14). Shake off the chains of sin and Satan. Make it a fight to the finish! You cannot escape natural death, but you can escape eternal death. If you lose the battle for your soul’s salvation, it will be an eternal doom in hell and torment.

For Prayer and Counseling Send Mail: to  ask@jesuskingdomintl.org
info@jesuskingdomintl.org or Call : USA Phone: +16692819542
NIGERIA: ( +2348034041334).

is there a God 2

Consider one of the fish of the sea. Who put the map in the brain of the salmon that tells it how to leave its ocean home and find the river and the very stream where its life began? There it lays its eggs, and soon after dies, making room in the cycle of life for its offspring who will follow the exact pattern of all its ancestors. Do you think this all just happened by chance?

We know the universe is so well ordered that clocks are set by the rotation of the earth and the various stars and planets. So precise is the movement of these bodies that eclipses and passage of comets can be accurately foretold. Who or what set this precise rhythm of the universe in motion? Is it only chance that among the hostile environments of the heavenly bodies this earth has the right mixture of those elements necessary for plant and animal life? There must be a master plan!

The plan for the universe, nature, our bodies, and our inner personal needs has been set in order by the great God of heaven. No mortal man, past or present, begins to have such power. The precision and detail of his plan shows us that He takes great interest in man and his happiness.

Faith is believing something we cannot see. We cannot see God but we see indications all around us that point to his existence. God has intended that we could not see Him but rather that we could accept his existence by the obvious evidences which testify of Him. God reveals Himself to us as we accept his existence.

One of the most convincing evidences that there is a God is the change that takes place in a person’s life as he becomes intimately acquainted with Him. Those who had the nature of a lion become like a lamb. Where there was hate, there is now love. Where there was fighting, there is now peace. Where there was turmoil within, there is now a quiet rest. Where there were endless questions, there is now confidence. He changes the selfish person into one who cares about others.

Dear reader, do you feel a restlessness inside or a longing for something, but you are not sure what it is? Do not stifle that feeling or try to cover it up. It is your soul reaching out to God. The same God that created the earth can be your God. If you have faith and believe in the God of heaven, your life also can be changed. Instead of resenting the trying circumstances of life, you can rest in the knowledge that God sees and hears and cares.

God reveals Himself through his Word, the Bible. The Bible is history; it is prophecy; it is instruction for life. But, it is also the love of God to us, and gives direction for the inner needs of the soul. Read the Bible. Start with Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1-5. Read Psalms 23 and 51. Pray to God. He promises He will hear you.

For Prayer and Counseling Send Mail: to  ask@jesuskingdomintl.org
info@jesuskingdomintl.org or Call : USA Phone: +16692819542
NIGERIA: ( +2348034041334).