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It’s going to be a great and greater Weekend and Season but we need to disagree with every error to be vigilant as always prayerfully with a pure heart and mind praying and loving one another standing on the promises of Maximum Prosperity in JESUS CHRIST name….

Jesus Loves

“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God (Mark 10:14).

“And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily, I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them” (Mark 10:13-16).

Jesus loves and cares for all boys and girls everywhere. He wants to live in your hearts. He has a plan for each of you and wants to lead your lives.

Once, while talking to His friend, Jesus taught that boys and girls are much more important to God than flowers and birds.

Birds do not plant seeds and store up food. God feeds them. He helps them find bugs and seeds to eat. Flowers live only a few days. God gives them beautiful shapes and colors. You are much more important to Him than these. So if God takes care of the birds and flowers, He will certainly take care of all boys and girls. See Matthew 6:25-33.

He gives you food and clothes and helps you to be good and kind. You need to put your trust in Him, for He knows what is best for you. He is a loving God who wants to help all those who are in need. In your troubles, or sickness, or sorrow, He will help you. The Bible says, “If we ask anything according to His will, he heareth us” (1 John 5:14).

A father had two sons. The younger son said, “Give me my share of the money.” He took it and went far away from home. He and his friends wasted the money, having a good time. Soon it was all spent. Then his friends left him alone.

A man gave him work feeding pigs, but he did not have anything to eat. He was so hungry!

He thought, “My father’s servants have much to eat. I will go home, and I will say to my father, ‘I have sinned. I can no longer be like a son. May I work for you as a servant?’” and the younger son started for home.

The father was watching and waiting for his son. How he missed him! When he saw his son coming, he ran and hugged him and kissed him!

The son said, “Father, I have sinned. I am no more worthy to be called your son. Just let me be one of your hired servants.”

But the father had already forgiven him. He told his servants, “Put a coat and shoes on him. Kill a calf, and we will have a happy dinner together. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” From Luke 15:11-24.

This story shows how Jesus loves all sinners. The Bible says, “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10).

The Bible tells us another story about how much God loves everyone.

One day a man walked down a lonely road. He met robbers in the way. They jumped on him and hurt him. They took his clothes and his money. Then they ran away. The man was badly hurt. He could not get up.

A priest came down the road and saw the man who was hurt, but he did not help him. He hurried by on the other side of the road.

A Levite came down the road. He also saw the man who was hurt and stopped to look at him, but he did not help him either. He walked by on the other side, too.

A Samaritan came riding down the road on his donkey. When he saw the man who was hurt, he stopped to see if he could help him. He washed his cuts with oil and wrapped them up. He put the man on his donkey and took him to the nearest inn.

In the morning, the good Samaritan said to the innkeeper, “Take care of the man until he is well. Here is money to pay you. If it is not enough, I will pay you more when I come again.” Found in Luke 10:30-35.

Jesus wants us to be loving and kind to those who are in need. When the love of Jesus lives in our hearts, we will do nothing because we are proud or selfish. But in humility, we will think more of others than we do of ourselves. We will not look only to our own interests, but will try to think and understand how others feel, too. The Bible says, “By love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13).

We are to love our enemies and forgive those who treat us wrongly. We are never to return evil for evil.

When we have the love of Jesus in our hearts, we will be kind to our friends, obedient to our parents, and happy to tell other boys and girls what the Lord has done for us.

Jesus loved us so much that He died on the cruel cross for our sins. Now we should love Him so much that we give our hearts and lives to Him.

“We love him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

God Is the Loving Father
By Mabel Niedermeyer and George F. Root

  1. God is the loving Father
    Of children everywhere;
    No matter where their homes are,
    They live within His care.
  2. He loves all those in far lands
    Whom I may never see;
    He also loves the children
    Who live next door to me.


I declare you a product and a candidate of a MAXIMUM PROSPERITY today and forever as you decide and determine….3 John 2-3, Exodus 19:5,
(a) to accept the TRUTH
(b) to love the TRUTH
(c) to believe and obey the TRUTH
(d) to speak the TRUTH
(e) to live and to behave the TRUTH
(f) and to walk in the TRUTH forever in JESUS CHRIST name…


As a matter of fact there is every obvious tangible reasons to make the gift of faith a lifestyle because of it’s divine supernatural functions in a Christian godly spiritual life and the heavenly kingdom race. My point for writing about making faith your lifestyle is that we are expected to walk by faith and to live by faith as long as we are alive. Moreover faith is an engine that runs every word of God effectively successfully and perfectly. Imagine the Gift that overcomes the world and enables us to please God. With faith you can remove the mountains and levels the mountains to plain. From henceforth I encourage you to make faith lifestyle because every part of your body and life ultimately needed faith to function and to produce tangible fruits and results. In summary I urge you to build a peculiar and effective faith today and make it lifestyle. To Be Continued.

For Counselling and Prayers write or contact Apostle Uchenna Ezeanowayi through info@jesuskingdomintl.org

Personnels You Needed In Life

The Most Scarce And Security Personnels You Needed In Life…Vol 1
The Best Security Personnels Around You!
The Biggest Security Personnels Around You!!
And The Most Caring And Loving People Around And Within Your Life Are….
(1) Those people who are fund of sharing with you the real truth about the good or the bad things they noticed about your life with simplicity and without fear of favour.

(2) Those people who have the motive to be a blessing to you either by following your steps or to guide/lead you in some important aspect of life.

(3) Those people who have the motive to assist you or to support you with a pure genuine spirit and heart until your life is established, accomplished and fulfilled.

(4) Those people who never wish you bad or evil and will not plan or plot bad things or evil to befall on you or your life.

(5) Those who have the thirst and the hunger to bring the best of things and results out of you.

(6) Those who always want to see you protected, succeed, grow and be blessed.

(7) Those who always wants to hear goodnews about your life and in your life.
Scriptures to digest….Heb 10:24, Math 5:13-17, Gal 6:9, Mt 7:12.
For Counseling and Prayers!! Feel free to contact the Author…UCHENNA EZEANOWAYI
Watch out for Vol 2.